Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oracle and PL/SQL Interview Questions

Q.What is the purpose of database links in Oracle?

Database links are created to establish communication between different databases or different environments such as development, test and production of the same database. The database links are usually designed to be read-only to access other database information . They are also useful when you want to copy production data into test environment for testing.

Q. What is Oracle's data dictionary used for?

Data dictionary in Oracle contains information about all database objects such as tables, triggers, stored procedures, functions, indexes, constraints, views, users, roles, monitoring information, etc.

Q. Which data dictionary objects are used to retrieve the information about the following objects from a given schema?
1) tables
2) views
3) triggers
4) procedures
5) constraints
6) all of the above mentioned objects

The objects used are:
a> user_tables or tabs
b> user_views
c> user_triggers
d> user_procedures
e> user_constraints
f> user_objects

fferent SQL queries in the same PL/SQL program vs. design time declared explicit cursors with an association to only one query.

Q. You want to view top 50 rows from Oracle table. How do I this?

Use ROWNUM, the pseudo column in where clause as follows:
Where rownum < 51

After complete execution of query and before displaying output of SQL query to the user oracle internally assigns sequential numbers to each row in the output. These numbers are held in the hidden column or pseudo column that is a ROWNUM column. Now it is so simple to apply the above logical condition, as you would have done to any other column of the table.

Q. How do you reference column values in BEFORE and AFTER insert and delete triggers?

The BEFORE and AFTER insert triggers can reference column values by new collection using keyword “:new.column name”. The before and after delete triggers can reference column values by old collection using keyword “:old. column name”.

Q. Can you change the inserted value in one of the columns in AFTER insert trigger code?

This is not possible as the column values supplied by the insert SQL query are already inserted into the table. If you try to assign new value to the column in AFTER insert trigger code then oracle error would be raised. To alter any values supplied by insert SQL query create BEFORE insert trigger.

Q. Explain use of SYSDATE and USER keywords.

SYSDATE is a pseudo column and refers to the current server system date. USER is a pseudo column and refers to the current user logged onto the oracle session. These values come handy when you want to monitor changes happening to the table.

Q. What is the difference between explicit cursor and implicit cursor?

When a single insert, delete or update statement is executed within PL/SQL program then oracle creates an implicit cursor for the same, executes the statement, and closes the cursor. You can check the result of execution using SQL%ROWCOUNT function.

Explicit cursors are created programmatically. The cursor type variable is declared and associated with SQL query. The program then opens a cursor, fetches column information into variables or record type variable, and closes cursor after all records are fetched. To check whether cursor is open or not use function SQL%ISOPEN and to check whether there are any records to be fetched from the cursor use function SQL%FOUND.

Q. Why does a query in Oracle run faster when ROWID is used as a part of the where clause?

ROWID is the logical address of a row - it is not a physical column. It is composed of file number, data block number and row number within data block. Therefore I/O time is minimized retrieving the row, resulting in a faster query.

Q. What type of exception will be raised in the following situations:

a> select..into statement returns more than one row.

b> select..into statement does not return any row.

c> insert statement inserts a duplicate record.

The errors returned are:



Oracle PL / SQL Interview Question

Oracle PL / SQL Interview Question

  • What’s a PL/SQL table? Its purpose and Advantages?
    A PL/SQL table is one dimensional, indexed, unbounded sparsed collection of homogeneous
    PLSQL tables are used to move data into and out of the database and between client side applications and stored sub-programs. They have attributes such as exits, prior, first, last, delete ,next . These attributes make PLSQL tables easier to use and applications easier to maintain.
    1 PL\SQL tables give you the ability to hold multiple values in a structure in memory so that a PL\SQL block does not have to go to the database every time it needs to retrieve one of these values - it can retrieve it directly from the PL\SQL table in memory.
    2 Global temporary tables act as performance enhancers when compared to standard tables as they greatly reduce the disk IO.
    3 They also offer the ease-of-use of standard tables, since standard SQL can be used with them; no special array-processing syntax is required.
  • What is a Cursor? How many types of Cursor are there?
    A) Cursor is an identifier/name to a work area that we can interact with to access its information. A cursor points to the current row in the result set fetched. There are three types of cursors. They are
    1 Implicit cursors – created automatically by PL/SQL for all SQL Dml statements such as
    Insert Update, delete and Select
    2 Explicit cursors – Created explicitly. They create a storage area where the set of rows
    Returned by a query are placed.
    3 Dynamic Cursors – Ref Cursors( used for the runtime modification of the select querry).
    Declaring the cursor, Opening the cursor, Fetching data , Closing the cursor(Releasing the work area) are the steps involved when using explicit cursors.
  • What is the difference between Function and Procedure?
    1..Procedure is a sub program written to perform a set of actions and returns multiple valuesUsing out parameters or return no value at all.
    2..Function is a subprogram written to perform certain computations and return a single value.
  • What are the modes for passing parameters to Oracle?
    There are three modes for passing parameters to subprograms
    1.IN - An In-parameter lets you pass values to the subprogram being called. In the subprogram it acts like a constant and cannot be assigned a value.
    2. OUT – An out-parameter lets you return values to the caller of the subprogram. It acts like an initialized variable its value cannot be assigned to another variable or to itself.
    3.INOUT – An in-out parameter lets you pass initial values to the subprogram being called and returns updated values to the caller.
  • What is the difference between Truncate and Delete Statement?
    1.Truncate – Data truncated by using truncate statement is lost permanently and cannot be retrieved even by rollback. Truncate command does not use rollback segment during its execution, hence it is fast.
    2. Delete – Data deleted by using the delete statement can be retrieved back by Rollback. Delete statement does not free up the table object allocated space.
  • What are Exceptions? How many types of Exceptions are there?
    Exceptions are conditions that cause the termination of a block. There are two types of exceptions
    1.Pre-Defined – Predefined by PL/SQL and are associated with specific error codes.
    2.User-Defined – Declared by the users and are rose on deliberate request. (Breaking a condition etc.)
    Exception handlers are used to handle the exceptions that are raised. They prevent exceptions from propagating out of the block and define actions to be performed when exception is raised.
  • What is a Pragma Exception_Init? Explain its usage?
    Pragma Exception_Init is used to handle undefined exceptions. It issues a directive to the compiler asking it to associate an exception to the oracle error. There by displaying a specific error message pertaining to the error occurred. Pragma Exception_Init (exception_name, oracle_error_name).
  • What is a Raise and Raise Application Error?
    1.Raise statement is used to raise a user defined exception.
    2. A raise application error is a procedure belonging to dbms_standard package. It allows to display a user defined error message from a stored subprogram.
  • What is the difference between Package, Procedure and Functions?
    1.A package is a database objects that logically groups related PL/SQL types, objects, and Subprograms.
    2.Procedure is a sub program written to perform a set of actions and can return multiple values.
    3.Function is a subprogram written to perform certain computations and return a single value. Unlike subprograms packages cannot be called, passed parameters or nested.
  • How do you make a Function and Procedure as a Private?
    Functions and Procedures can be made private to a package by not mentioning their declaration in the package specification and by just mentioning them in the package body.
  • How do you kick a Concurrent program from PL/SQL?
  • What is an Anonymous block?
    Anonymous Block is a block of instructions in PL/SQL and SQL which is not saved under a name as an object in database schema It is also not compiled and saved in server storage, so it needs to be parsed and executed each time it is run. However, this simple form of program can use variables, can have flow of control logic, can return query results into variables and can prompt the user for input using the SQL*Plus '&' feature as any stored procedure.
  • What are the two basic parameters that we have to pass while registering PL/SQL procedure?
    Error code and Error Buffer.
  • How to display messages in Log file and Output file?
  • What is a Trigger ? How many types of Triggers are there?
    Trigger is a procedure that gets implicitly executed when an insert/update/delete statement is issued against an associated table. Triggers can only be defined on tables not on views, how ever triggers on the base table of a view are fired if an insert/update/delete statement is issued against a view.
    There are two types of triggers, Statement level trigger and Row level trigger.
    After / For each row
    Trigger is fired / Update /
    Before / For Each statement
  • Can we use Commit in a Database Trigger, if ‘No’ then why?
    No. Committing in a trigger will violate the integrity of the transaction.
  • What is Commit, Rollback and Save point?
    Commit – Makes changes to the current transaction permanent. It Erases the savepoints and releases the transaction locks.
    Savepoint –Savepoints allow to arbitrarily hold work at any point of time with option of later committing. They are used to divide transactions into smaller portions.
    Rollback – This statement is used to undo work.
  • What is the difference between DDL, DML and DCL structures?
    DDL statements are used for defining data. Ex: Create, Alter, Drop,Truncate,Rename.
    DML statements are used for manipulating data. Ex: Insert, update, truncate.
    DCL statements are used for to control the access of data. Ex; Grant, Revoke.
    TCL statements are used for data saving.Ex; Commit,Rollback,Savepoint.
  • How can u create a table in PL/SQL procedure?
    By using execute immediate statement we can create a table in PLSQL.
    Execute immediate ‘create table amit as select * from emp’;
    All DDL,DML,DCL commands can be performed by using this command.
  • How do we Tune the Queries?
    Queries can be tuned by Checking the logic (table joins), by creating Indexes on objects in the where clause, by avoiding full table scans. Finally use the trace utility to generate the trace file, use the TK-Prof utility to generate a statistical analysis about the query using which appropriate actions can be taken.
  • What is Explain Plan? How do u use Explain Plan in TOAD?
    It is a utility provided by toad that gives the statistics about the performance of the query. It gives information such as number of full table scans occurred, cost, and usage of indexes
  • What is a TK-PROF and its usage?
    Tk-Prof is a utility that reads the trace files and generates more readable data that gives the statistics about the performance of the query on a line to line basis.
  • What is Optimization? How many types of Optimization are there?
    Rule based Optimization and Cost Based Optimization.
  • What is the default optimization chosen by Oracle?
    Cost based Optimization.
  • What is the difference between the snapshot and synonym?
    7 A snapshot refers to read-only copies of a master table or tables located on a remote node. A snapshot can be queried, but not updated; only the master table can be updated. A snapshot is periodically refreshed to reflect changes made to the master table. In this sense, a snapshot is really a view with periodicity.
    8 A synonym is an alias for table, view, sequence or program unit. They are of two types private and public.
  • What is the difference between data types char and varchar?
    Char reserves the number of memory locations mentioned in the variable declarations, even though not used (it can store a maximum of 255 bytes). Where as Varchar does not reserve any memory locations when the variable is declared, it stores the values only after they are assigned (it can store a maximum of 32767 bytes).
  • Items are imported from the legacy system using the item import interface using the SRS. How are items imported using the UNIX /PLSQL commands with out using SRS?
    1.From the operating system, use CONCSUB to submit a concurrent program. It's an easiest way to test a concurrent program.
    Normally, CONCSUB submits a concurrent request and returns control to the OS prompt/shell script without waiting for the request to complete. The CONCSUB WAIT parameter can be used to make CONCSUB wait until the request has completed before returning control to the OS prompt/shell script
    By using the WAIT token, the utility checks the request status every 60 seconds and returns to the operating system prompt upon completion of the request. concurrent manager does not abort, shut down, or start up until the concurrent request completes. If your concurrent program is compatible with itself, we can check it for data integrity and deadlocks by submitting it many times so that it runs concurrently with itself.
    To pass null parameters to CONCSUB, use '""' without spaces for each null parameter.
    In words: single quote double quote double quote single quote
    Following is an example of CONCSUB syntax with null parameters:
    CONCSUB oe/oe OE 'Order Entry Super User' JWALSH CONCURRENT XOE XOEPACK 4 3 '""' 3
    2. To Invoke a Concurrent Program using PL/SQL:
    i) Just insert a row in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS with the apropriate parameters and commit.
    ii) Invoke the SUBMIT_REQUEST procedure in FND_REQUEST package.
    FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST( 'AR', 'RAXMTR', '', '', FALSE, 'Autoinvoice Master Program', sc_time, FALSE, 1, 1020, 'VRP', '01-JAN-00', chr(0)
  • How can the duplicate records be deleted from the table?
    delete from t1 a where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from t1 b where
  • What is the significance of _all tables?
    All tables are multi-org tables which are associated with the company as a whole. Multiple Organizations is enabled in Oracle
    Applications by partitioning some database tables by the Operating Unit. Other tables are shared across Operating Units (and therefore across set of books). Examples of Applications with partitioned tables are Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Projects, Oracle Sales & Marketing etc. The name of each corresponding partitioned table is the view name appended by '_ALL'
  • What are mutating tables? And what is mutating error?
    A mutating table is a table that is currently being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, or it is a table that might need to be updated by the effects of a declarative DELETE CASCADE referential integrity constraint.
    A mutating error occurs when a trigger which fires when updation/deletion/insertion is done on a table A performs insertion/updation/deletion on the same table A. This error results in an infinite loop which is termed as a mutating error.
  • What is difference between oracle 7 andoracle 8i?
    A) Oracle 7 is a simple RDBMS, where as Oracle 8i is ORDBMS i.e., RDBMS with Object Support.
    The main add-ons in version 8 are…
    Abstract Data types
    PL/SQL Tables
    Nested Tables
    Partitioned Tables
  • What is Data cleaning and testing.
    Data Cleaning: Transformation of data in its current state to a pre-defined, standardized format using packaged software or program modules.
    Data Testing: The agreed upon conversion deliverables should be approved by the client representatives who are responsible for the success of the conversion. In addition, three levels of conversion testing have been identified and described in the prepare conversion test plans deliverables.
    Eg: for Summary Balances in GL we set Test Criteria as Record Counts, Hash Totals, Balances, Journal Debit and Credit.

  • While registering a report and a pl/sql block we pass some parameters, for any pl/sql block we pass 2 additional parameters. Can u list them?
    It requires two IN parameters for a PL/SQL procedure that's registered as a concurrent program in Apps. They are
    1. Errcode IN VARCHAR2
    2. Errbuff IN VARCHAR2

  • what is a trace file?
    when ever an internal error is detected by a process in oracle it dumps the information about the error into a trace file.
    Alter session set sql_trace=TRUE
  • When do you use Ref Cursors?
    We base a query on a ref cursor when you want to:
    1.More easily administer SQL
    2. Avoid the use of lexical parameters in your reports
    3. Share data sources with other applications, such as Form Builder
    4. Increase control and securityv) Encapsulate logic within a subprogram

SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small Database

In this tutorial, you will use SQL Developer to create objects for a simplified library database, which will include tables for books, patrons (people who have library cards), and transactions (checking a book out, returning a book, and so on).
Other SQL Developer tutorials, including Oracle By Example (OBE) lessons, are available from the Start Page. If the tab for that page is not visible, click Help, then Start Page.
The tables are deliberately oversimplified for this tutorial. They would not be adequate for any actual public or organizational library. For example, this library contains only books (not magazines, journals, or other document formats), and it can contain no more than one copy of any book.
You will perform the following major steps:
To delete the objects that you create for this tutorial, you can use the DROP statements at the beginning of the script in Section 4.10, "Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects".
Related Topics
Section 4.10, "Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects"
Chapter 1, "SQL Developer Concepts and Usage"
Section 1.2, "SQL Developer User Interface"
Section 1.3, "Database Objects"

4.1 Create a Table (BOOKS)

The BOOKS table contains a row for each book in the library. It includes columns of character and number types, a primary key, a unique constraint, and a check constraint. You will use the Create Table dialog box to create the table declaratively; the table that you create will be essentially the same as if you had entered the following statement using the SQL Worksheet:
   book_id VARCHAR2(20),
   title VARCHAR2(50)
      CONSTRAINT title_not_null NOT NULL,
   author_last_name VARCHAR2(30)
      CONSTRAINT last_name_not_null NOT NULL,
   author_first_name VARCHAR2(30),
   rating NUMBER,
   CONSTRAINT books_pk PRIMARY KEY (book_id),
   CONSTRAINT rating_1_to_10 CHECK (rating IS NULL OR
      (rating >= 1 and rating <= 10)),
   CONSTRAINT author_title_unique UNIQUE (author_last_name, title));
To create the BOOKS table, connect to the database as the user in the schema you want to use for this tutorial. Right-click the Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Table, and enter the following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be sure that the Advanced box is not checked when you start creating the table.)
For detailed information about the table dialog box and its tabs, see Section 5.52, "Create Table (quick creation)" and Section 5.53, "Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)".
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create the table columns using the following information. After creating each column except the last one (rating), click Add Column to add the next column. (If you accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the BOOKS table in the Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
Column Name Type Size Other Information and Notes
book_id VARCHAR2 20 Primary Key (Automatically checks Not Null; an index is also created on the primary key column. This is the Dewey code or other book identifier.)
title VARCHAR2 50 Not Null
author_last_name VARCHAR2 30 Not Null
author_first_name VARCHAR2 30
rating NUMBER (Librarian's personal rating of the book, from 1 (poor) to 10 (great))
After you have entered the last column (rating), check Advanced (next to Schema). This displays a pane for more table options. For this table, you will use the Unique Constraints and Check Constraints panes.
Unique Constraints pane
Click Add to add a unique constraint for the table, namely, that the combination of author_last_name and title must be unique within the table. (This is deliberately oversimplified, since most major libraries will have allow more than one copy of a book in their holdings. Also, the combination of last name and title is not always a "foolproof" check for uniqueness, but it is sufficient for this simple scenario.)
Name: author_title_unique
In Available Columns, double-click TITLE and then AUTHOR_LAST_NAME to move them to Selected Columns.
Check Constraints pane
Click Add to add a check constraint for the table, namely, that the rating column value is optional (it can be null), but if a value is specified, it must be a number from 1 through 10. You must enter the condition using SQL syntax that is valid in a CHECK clause (but do not include the CHECK keyword or enclosing parentheses for the entire CHECK clause text).
Name: rating_1_to_10
Condition: rating is null or (rating >= 1 and rating <= 10)
Click OK to finish creating the table.
Go to Section 4.2, "Create a Table (PATRONS)" to create the next table.

4.2 Create a Table (PATRONS)

The PATRONS table contains a row for each patron who can check books out of the library (that is, each person who has a library card). It includes an object type (MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY) column. You will use the Create Table dialog box to create the table declaratively; the table that you create will be essentially the same as if you had entered the following statement using the SQL Worksheet:
CREATE TABLE patrons (
   patron_id NUMBER,
   last_name VARCHAR2(30)
      CONSTRAINT patron_last_not_null NOT NULL,
   first_name VARCHAR2(30),
   street_address VARCHAR2(50),
   city_state_zip VARCHAR2(50),
   CONSTRAINT patrons_pk PRIMARY KEY (patron_id));
The use of single city_state_zip column for all that information is not good database design; it is done here merely to simplify your work in the tutorial.
The location column (Oracle Spatial geometry representing the patron's geocoded address) is merely to show the use of a complex (object) type.
To create the PATRONS table, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Table, and enter the following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be sure that the Advanced box is not checked when you start creating the table.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create most of the table columns using the following information. After creating each column except the city_state_zip column, click Add Column to add the next column. (If you accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the PATRONS table in the Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
Column Name Type Size Other Information and Notes
patron_id NUMBER Primary Key. (Unique patron ID number, with values to be created using a sequence that you will create)
last_name VARCHAR2 30 Not Null
first_name VARCHAR2 30
street_address VARCHAR2 30
city_state_zip VARCHAR2 30
The last column in the table (location) requires a complex data type, for which you must use the Columns tab with advanced options. Check Advanced (next to Schema). This displays a pane for selecting more table options.
In the Columns pane, click the city_state_zip column name, and click the Add Column (+) icon to add the following as the last column in the table.
Column Name Type Other Information and Notes
location Complex type Schema: MDSYS
(Oracle Spatial geometry object representing the patron's geocoded address)
After you have entered the last column (location), click OK to finish creating the table.
Go to Section 4.3, "Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS)" to create the next table.

4.3 Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS)

The TRANSACTIONS table contains a row for each transaction involving a patron and a book (for example, someone checking a book out or returning a book). It includes two foreign key columns. You will use the Create Table dialog box to create the table declaratively; the table that you create will be essentially the same as if you had entered the following statement using the SQL Worksheet:
CREATE TABLE transactions (
   transaction_id NUMBER,
   patron_id CONSTRAINT for_key_patron_id
      REFERENCES patrons(patron_id),
   book_id CONSTRAINT for_key_book_id
      REFERENCES books(book_id),
   transaction_date DATE
      CONSTRAINT tran_date_not_null NOT NULL,
   transaction_type NUMBER
      CONSTRAINT tran_type_not_null NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT transactions_pk PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id));
To create the TRANSACTIONS table, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Table, and enter the following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be sure that the Advanced box is not checked when you start creating the table.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create the table columns using the following information. After creating each column except the last one (transaction_type), click Add Column to add the next column. (If you accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the TRANSACTIONS table in the Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
Column Name Type Size Other Information and Notes
transaction_id NUMBER Primary Key. (Unique transaction ID number, with values to be created using a trigger and sequence that will be created automatically)
patron_id NUMBER (Foreign key; must match a patron_id value in the PATRONS table)
book_id VARCHAR2 20 (Foreign key; must match a book_id value in the BOOKS table)
transaction_date DATE (Date and time of the transaction)
transaction_type NUMBER (Numeric code indicating the type of transaction, such as 1 for checking out a book)
After you have entered the last column (transaction_type), check Advanced (next to Schema). This displays a pane for selecting more table options. For this table, you will use the Column Sequences and Foreign Keys panes.
Column Sequences pane
You have already specified TRANSACTION_ID as the primary key, and you will use this pane only to specify that the primary key column values are to be populated automatically. This convenient approach uses a trigger and a sequence (both created automatically by SQL Developer), and ensures that each transaction ID value is unique.
Sequence: New Sequence
Trigger: TRANSACTIONS_TRG (The default; a before-insert trigger with this name will be created automatically.)
Foreign Keys tab
1. Click Add to create the first of the two foreign keys for the TRANSACTIONS table.
Name: for_key_patron_id
Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key or unique constraint to which this foreign key refers. Use the schema you have been using for this tutorial.
Referenced Table: PATRONS
Referenced Constraint: PATRONS_PK (The name of the primary key constraint for the PATRONS table. Be sure that the Referenced Column on PATRONS displayed value is PATRON_ID.)
Associations: Local Column: PATRON_ID
Associations: Referenced Column on PATRONS: PATRON_ID
2. Click Add to create the second of the two foreign keys for the TRANSACTIONS table.
Name: for_key_book_id
Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key or unique constraint to which this foreign key refers. Use the schema you have been using for this tutorial.
Referenced Table: BOOKS
Referenced Constraint: BOOKS_PK (The name of the primary key constraint for the BOOKS table. Be sure that the Referenced Column on BOOKS displayed value is BOOK_ID.
Associations: Local Column: BOOK_ID
Associations: Referenced Column on BOOKS: BOOK_ID
3. Click OK to finish creating the table.
You have finished creating all the tables. To create a sequence for use in generating unique primary key values for the PATRONS table, go to Section 4.4, "Create a Sequence".

4.4 Create a Sequence

Create one sequence object, which will be used in INSERT statements to generate unique primary key values in the PATRONS table. (You do not need to create a sequence for the primary key in the TRANSACTIONS table, because you used the SQL Developer feature that enables automatic population of primary key values for that table.) You will use the Create Sequence dialog box to create the sequence declaratively; the sequence that you create will be essentially the same as if you had entered the following statements using the SQL Worksheet:
CREATE SEQUENCE patron_id_seq 
After creating the sequence, you can use it in INSERT statements to generate unique numeric values. The following example uses the patron_id_seq sequence in creating a row for a new patron (library user), assigning her a patron ID that is the next available value of the patron_id_seq sequence:
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Smith', 'Jane', '123 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
To create the sequence, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Sequences node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Sequence, and enter information using the Create Sequence dialog box.
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the sequence.
Name: patron_id_seq
Increment: 1
Start with: 100
Min value: 100
Click OK to finish creating the sequence.
To insert sample data into the tables, go to Section 4.5, "Insert Data into the Tables".

4.5 Insert Data into the Tables

For your convenience in using the view and the PL/SQL procedure that you will create, add some sample data to the BOOKS, PATRONS, and TRANSACTIONS tables. (If you do not add sample data, you can still create the remaining objects in this tutorial, but the view and the procedure will not return any results.)
Go to the SQL Worksheet window associated with the database connection you have been using. (For information about using the SQL Worksheet, see Section 1.7, "Using the SQL Worksheet".) Copy and paste the following INSERT statements into the Enter SQL Statement box:
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A1111', 'Moby Dick', 'Melville', 'Herman', 10);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A2222', 'Get Rich Really Fast', 'Scammer', 'Ima', 1);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A3333', 'Finding Inner Peace', 'Blissford', 'Serenity', null);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A4444', 'Great Mystery Stories', 'Whodunit', 'Rodney', 5);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A5555', 'Software Wizardry', 'Abugov', 'D.', 10);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Smith', 'Jane', '123 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Chen', 'William', '16 S. Maple Road', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Fernandez', 'Maria', '502 Harrison Blvd.', 'Sometown, NH 03078', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Murphy', 'Sam', '57 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A1111', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A3333', SYSDATE, 3);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A3333', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (103, 'A4444', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A4444', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A5555', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 1);
Click the Run Script icon, or press the F5 key.
To create a view, go to Section 4.6, "Create a View".

4.6 Create a View

Create a view that returns information about patrons and their transactions. This view queries the PATRONS and TRANSACTIONS tables, and returns rows that contain a patron's ID, last name, and first name, along with a transaction and the transaction type. The rows are ordered by patron ID, and by transaction type within patron IDs.
To create the patrons_trans_view view, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Views node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New View, and enter the following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the view.
Name: patrons_trans_view
SQL Query tab
In the SQL Query box, enter (or copy and paste) the following statement:
SELECT p.patron_id,
  FROM patrons p, transactions t
 WHERE p.patron_id = t.patron_id
 ORDER BY p.patron_id, t.transaction_type
Then click Test Syntax, and ensure that you have not made any syntax errors. If you made any errors, correct then and click Test Syntax again.
Review the SQL statement that SQL Developer will use to create the view. If you want to make any changes, go back to the SQL Query tab and make the changes there.
If you want to save the CREATE VIEW statement to a SQL script file, click Save and specify the location and file name.
When you are finished, click OK.
You have finished creating the view. If you inserted data to the underlying tables, as described in Section 4.5, "Insert Data into the Tables", you can see the data returned by this view as follows: in the Connections navigator, expand Views, and select PATRONS_TRANS_VIEW, then click the Data tab.
To create a procedure that lists all books with a specified rating, go to Section 4.7, "Create a PL/SQL Procedure".

4.7 Create a PL/SQL Procedure

Create a procedure that lists all books with a specified rating. You can then call this procedure with an input parameter (a number from 1 to 10), and the output will be all the titles of all books with that rating.
To create the procedure, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Procedures node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Procedure, and enter the following information using the Create PL/SQL Procedure dialog box.
Object Name: list_a_rating
Click OK. A source window for the new procedure is opened. Enter (or copy and paste) the following procedure text, replacing any existing text:
PROCEDURE list_a_rating(in_rating IN NUMBER) AS
  matching_title VARCHAR2(50);
  TYPE my_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
  the_cursor my_cursor;
  OPEN the_cursor
    FOR 'SELECT title 
           FROM books 
          WHERE rating = :in_rating'
    USING in_rating;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
    FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
    EXIT WHEN the_cursor%NOTFOUND;
  CLOSE the_cursor;
END list_a_rating;
This procedure uses a cursor (named the_cursor) to return only rows where the book has the specified rating (in_rating parameter), and uses a loop to output the title of each book with that rating.
Click the Save icon to save the procedure.
As a usage example, after creating the procedure named LIST_A_RATING, if you have inserted data into the BOOKS table (for example, using the INSERT statements in Section 4.5, "Insert Data into the Tables"), you could use the following statement to return all books with a rating of 10:
CALL list_a_rating(10);
To run this procedure within SQL Developer, right-click LIST_A_RATING in the Connections navigator hierarchy display and select Run. Under PL/SQL Block in the Run PL/SQL dialog box, change IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10, and click OK. The Log window display will now include the following output:
All books with a rating of 10:                                                  
Moby Dick                                                                       
Software Wizardry

4.8 Debug a PL/SQL Procedure

If you want to practice debugging a PL/SQL procedure with SQL Developer, create a procedure that is like the list_a_rating procedure that you created in Section 4.7, "Create a PL/SQL Procedure", but with a logic error. (The coding is also deliberately inefficient, to allow the display of the rating in a variable.)
Before you can debug the procedure, you must ensure that the user associated with the database connection has the DEBUG CONNECT SESSION and DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE privileges.
To create this procedure, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Procedures node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Procedure, and enter the following information using the Create PL/SQL Procedure dialog box.
Object Name: list_a_rating2
Click OK. A source window for the new procedure is opened. Enter (or copy and paste) the following procedure text, replacing any existing text:
PROCEDURE  list_a_rating2(in_rating IN NUMBER) AS
  matching_title VARCHAR2(50);
  matching_rating NUMBER;
  TYPE my_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
  the_cursor my_cursor;
  rating_cursor my_cursor;
  OPEN the_cursor 
    FOR 'SELECT title 
           FROM books 
          WHERE rating <= :in_rating' 
    USING in_rating;
  OPEN rating_cursor FOR 'SELECT rating FROM books WHERE 
    rating <= :in_rating' USING in_rating;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
    FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
    FETCH rating_cursor INTO matching_rating;
    EXIT WHEN the_cursor%NOTFOUND;
  CLOSE the_cursor;
  CLOSE rating_cursor;
END list_a_rating2;
This procedure contains a logic error in the definition of the_cursor: it selects titles where the rating is less than or equal to a specified rating, whereas it should select titles only where the rating is equal to the specified rating.
Click the Save icon to save the procedure.
Assume that you wanted to run this procedure and list all books with a rating of 10. Right-click LIST_A_RATING2 in the Connections navigator hierarchy display and select Run. Under PL/SQL Block in the Run PL/SQL dialog box, change, change IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10, and click OK. In the Log window, however, you see unexpected output: many titles are listed, including some with ratings other than 10. So, you decide to debug the procedure.
To debug the procedure, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Compile for Debug icon in the toolbar under the LIST_A_RATING2 tab.
  2. Set two breakpoints by clicking in the left margin (left of the thin vertical line) beside each of these two lines:
    FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
    FETCH rating_cursor INTO matching_rating;
    Clicking in the left margin toggles the setting and unsetting of breakpoints. Clicking beside these two lines will enable you to see the values of the matching_title and matching_rating variables as execution proceeds in debug mode.
  3. Click the Debug icon, and in the Run PL/SQL dialog box change IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10; then click OK
  4. Click View, then Debugger, then Data to display the Data pane. (Tip: Expand the Name column width so that you can see MATCHING_RATING.)
  5. Press the F9 key (or click Debug, then Resume) to have execution proceed, stopping at the next breakpoint.
  6. Repeatedly press the F9 key (or click Debug, then Resume), noticing especially the value of MATCHING_RATING as each row is processed. You will notice the first incorrect result when you see that the title Get Rich Really Fast is included, even though its rating is only 1 (obviously less than 10). (See the screen illustration with debugging information in Section 1.6, "Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures".)
  7. When you have enough information to fix the problem, you can click the Terminate icon in the debugging toolbar.
From this debugging session, you know that to fix the logic error, you should change rating <= :in_rating to rating = :in_rating in the definition of the_cursor.

4.9 Use the SQL Worksheet for Queries

You can use the SQL Worksheet to test SQL statements using a database connection. To display the worksheet, from the Tools menu, select SQL Worksheet. In the Select Connection dialog box, select the database connection that you used to create the BOOKS, PATRONS, and TRANSACTIONS tables for the tutorial in Chapter 4, "SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small Database".
The SQL Worksheet has the user interface shown in Section 1.7, "Using the SQL Worksheet".
In the Enter SQL Statement box, enter the following statement (the semicolon is optional for the SQL Worksheet):
SELECT author_last_name, title FROM books;
Notice the automatic highlighting of SQL keywords (SELECT and FROM in this example).
Click the Execute SQL Statement icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar. The results of the query are displayed on the Results tab under the area in which you entered the SQL statement.
In the Enter SQL Statement box, enter (or copy and paste) the following statement, which is the same as the SELECT statement in the view you created in Create a View:
SELECT p.patron_id,
  FROM patrons p, transactions t
 WHERE p.patron_id = t.patron_id
 ORDER BY p.patron_id, t.transaction_type;
Click the Execute SQL Statement icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar, and view the results of the query.
Click the Execute Explain Plan icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar to see the execution plan (displayed on the Explain tab) that Oracle Database follows to execute the SQL statement. The information includes the optimizer strategy and the cost of executing the statement. (For information about how to generate and interpret execution plans, see Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide.)

4.10 Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects

The following statements create and use the database objects that you have created (or will create) for the tutorial in Chapter 4, "SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small Database". You can view these commands to help you understand the library database objects that are covered in the tutorial.
-- Clean up from any previous tutorial actions.
DROP TABLE transactions;
DROP TABLE patrons;
DROP SEQUENCE patron_id_seq;
DROP SEQUENCE transactions_seq;
DROP TRIGGER transactions_trg;
DROP VIEW patrons_trans_view;
DROP PROCEDURE list_a_rating;
DROP PROCEDURE list_a_rating2;
set serveroutput on
-- Create objects.
   book_id VARCHAR2(20),
   title VARCHAR2(50)
      CONSTRAINT title_not_null NOT NULL,
   author_last_name VARCHAR2(30)
      CONSTRAINT last_name_not_null NOT NULL,
   author_first_name VARCHAR2(30),
   rating NUMBER,
   CONSTRAINT books_pk PRIMARY KEY (book_id),
   CONSTRAINT rating_1_to_10 CHECK (rating IS NULL OR
      (rating >= 1 and rating <= 10)),
   CONSTRAINT author_title_unique UNIQUE (author_last_name, title));
CREATE TABLE patrons (
   patron_id NUMBER,
   last_name VARCHAR2(30)
      CONSTRAINT patron_last_not_null NOT NULL,
   first_name VARCHAR2(30),
   street_address VARCHAR2(50),
   city_state_zip VARCHAR2(50),
   CONSTRAINT patrons_pk PRIMARY KEY (patron_id));
CREATE TABLE transactions (
   transaction_id NUMBER,
   patron_id CONSTRAINT for_key_patron_id
      REFERENCES patrons(patron_id),
   book_id CONSTRAINT for_key_book_id
      REFERENCES books(book_id),
   transaction_date DATE
      CONSTRAINT tran_date_not_null NOT NULL,
   transaction_type NUMBER
      CONSTRAINT tran_type_not_null NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT transactions_pk PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id));
CREATE SEQUENCE patron_id_seq 
-- The sequence for the transaction_id 
-- in the tutorial is created automatically,
-- and may have the name TRANSACTIONS_SEQ.
CREATE SEQUENCE transactions_seq 
-- The before-insert trigger for transaction ID values
-- in the tutorial is created automatically,
-- and may have the name TRANSACTIONS_TRG.
CREATE VIEW patrons_trans_view AS
  SELECT p.patron_id,
    FROM patrons p, transactions t
   WHERE p.patron_id = t.patron_id
   ORDER BY p.patron_id, t.transaction_type;
-- Procedure: List all books that have a specified rating.
  matching_title VARCHAR2(50);
  TYPE my_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
  the_cursor my_cursor;
  OPEN the_cursor
    FOR 'SELECT title 
           FROM books 
          WHERE rating = :in_rating'
    USING in_rating;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
    FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
    EXIT WHEN the_cursor%NOTFOUND;
  CLOSE the_cursor;
show errors;
-- Insert and query data.
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A1111', 'Moby Dick', 'Melville', 'Herman', 10);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A2222', 'Get Rich Really Fast', 'Scammer', 'Ima', 1);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A3333', 'Finding Inner Peace', 'Blissford', 'Serenity', null);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A4444', 'Great Mystery Stories', 'Whodunit', 'Rodney', 5);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A5555', 'Software Wizardry', 'Abugov', 'D.', 10);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Smith', 'Jane', '123 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Chen', 'William', '16 S. Maple Road', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Fernandez', 'Maria', '502 Harrison Blvd.', 'Sometown, NH 03078', null);
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES  (patron_id_seq.nextval, 
   'Murphy', 'Sam', '57 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A1111', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A3333', SYSDATE, 3);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A3333', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (103, 'A4444', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (100, 'A4444', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 2);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (102, 'A5555', SYSDATE, 1);
INSERT INTO transactions (patron_id, book_id, 
  transaction_date, transaction_type) 
  VALUES (101, 'A2222', SYSDATE, 1);
-- Test the view and the procedure.
SELECT * FROM patrons_trans_view;
CALL list_a_rating(10);